Flea Market Finds and a Special Delivery from Zoe’s Toolbox!

We recently went to the local Flea Market for a family outing and we found a few interesting items… not as many as our last Flea Market shopping trip but still a few. We didn’t really have anything in particular that we were looking for… just some fun, quality time as a family.

Continue reading “Flea Market Finds and a Special Delivery from Zoe’s Toolbox!”

National Down Syndrome Awareness Day and THM Tiramisu

It’s crazy sock day!!! I don’t have on my crazy socks but I am rocking my #downsyndromeawareness shirt! Most of the kiddos have on some crazy socks to show their support for their extra special siblings and the other extra special people who were gifted with an extra chromosome.

I’ll admit that when we first got the news it was unexpected and I was upset, terrified, and a bit nervous but we had previously been told that what they expected she had would be incompatible with life.

Continue reading “National Down Syndrome Awareness Day and THM Tiramisu”

Homeschool Activities for a 1 to 2-year-old and Our Daily Schedule plus a Weekly Preschool Schedule

How in the world do we keep little miss occupied so we can get some school work done?

Homeschooling any number of kids can be difficult at times but when you add a baby or toddler to the mix it can get really crazy. Some days are easier than others as she is pretty good at keeping herself entertained but other days she can be extremely clingy and doesn’t want to be ‘left out’. We have to come up with some clever tricks to keep her entertained at times and sometimes we just take turns having someone play with her to keep her happy, although we don’t give in to every little whine or cry because sometimes she will figure out a way to entertain herself without us.

We have the basic routines that we have tried to stick to, even through the rough year that we had last year. During our numerous in-patient stays, I did my best to keep her routine as similar to our home routine as I could. It was difficult but it helped us both tremendously. Big sister also kept the kiddos at home on a regular schedule and that helped keep some of the chaos to a minimum.

Now that we are home and doing well we really had to get a little bit stricter with our routines as we’ve had a lot of adjustments to make. Shyanne missed her big brothers and sisters and they missed her but sometimes they get on each other’s nerves just as all siblings do. It’s a normal part of having a big family but it can lead to many distractions which are not good when we need to get certain things accomplished.

The basic areas we try to include in her daily schedule are:

  • Life Skills/Character Development
  • Language/Communication
  • Math
  • Science/STEM/Sensory
  • PT/OT (Gross/Fine Motor Skills)
  • Art/Music
Continue reading “Homeschool Activities for a 1 to 2-year-old and Our Daily Schedule plus a Weekly Preschool Schedule”

Clinic Visit

Shyanne had a quick clinic visit today for a dressing change and labs. Everything went well with the exception of one lumen is not giving blood return so well will have to have that addressed next week when we return for admission.

Continue reading “Clinic Visit”

Chemo Round 1: Day 1

It’s been another long day today. The team came for Shyanne around 7:00am… we weren’t expecting them for about an hour so we had to rush and finish …

Chemo Round 1: Day 1

Crazy Times

Hey everybody… I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve checked in but I had a few minutes so I thought I try to catch up with you all. I hope everyone is doing well… I know things are so crazy everywhere with LIFE, COVID, and POLITICS but things have been especially crazy for us here lately.

Little Shyanne had her open heart surgery this past Monday… yes, we were scheduled for October 21st but things happened and we got postponed however little miss wasn’t too keen on being delayed and she let us know rather quickly that something needed to be done ASAP!

The past few weeks have been rather scary but we are so happy to be over that part and the road to recovery right now!

Continue reading “Crazy Times”

Just a quick ‘Hello’

Hi everybody… I just wanted to stop in and let you know that I haven’t forgotten about my blog. Things have been a little crazy and I’m just starting to get on top of our new routines and schedules with the new baby. Its been a lot harder than I had imagined it would be bit we are so glad to have her home.

I was updating a couple of things like adding a link to her Facebook page on the sidebar… check it out if you get a chance and follow along with her updates. I also noticed that our page has been getting quite a bit of traffic even though I’ve not been posting as regular as I once did… thank you COVID?!

We do have a lot of great resources listed on our site and hopefully I’ll be able to add even more and maybe get some more of those Little House on the Prairie Adventures finished up… they seem to be a big hit right now! Feel free to search for those posts and download whatever you can use as it is all FREE!

Well, I’ve got to finish up dinner and some homeschool planning so I’m gonna jump off here but here’s a couple of super cute pics of our little miracle:

Isn’t she precious? Talk to y’all soon!

She’s Here!

Hey y’all! I’m so so sorry that I kinda just dropped off the social media for a bit. The past few months have been very hard as this pregnancy took so much out of me but we are so happy to announce that the wait is over!

Just before midnight on July 8th Ms. Shyanne came screaming into this world via c-section. Although we were as ready as we thought we could be we weren’t quite expecting her to be here right then.

She weighed in at 8lbs and 1 oz and she was 19 1/2 inches long. They also determined that she was around 36 weeks when she delivered.

She is in the NICU due to some of her prenatal diagnosis. She has already breezed through one surgery and is making daily progress towards coming home although we know there will be more surgeries to come.

While the pregnancy seemed so chaotic from the beginning with all the negativity because of my age and then diagnosis after diagnosis for our little girl, (Just this last month we learned of her duodenal atresia which resulted in severe polyhydramnios and then we were ultimately admitted for preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome.), we feel so blessed to have this precious addition to our family.

I will try to finish up some of the posts related to her prenatal issues as well as a more detailed post about her birth and NICU stays but for now I’m just going to try to focus on life at home and recovering so that I can be ready to take care of our little one when she comes home.

We have been posting updates and tons of pictures on our personal FB pages if you’d like to follow us. I’ll also try to start posting on Instagram more regularly as well.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and most of all for your prayers and please keep us in your prayers as we know the next few months will be quite crazy around here.

Shyanne’s Story: Unexpected News

Well, today (May 13) has been a bit on the emotional side. I’m not even sure where to start but many of you that have followed our blog know that this pregnancy has been full of surprises:

An Unexpected Journey

Sometimes You Just Need To Let The Tears Flow

Finding Joy In The Difficult Days

Our little Wonder Woman… some good news! Continue reading “Shyanne’s Story: Unexpected News”

Our little Wonder Woman… some good news!

This Momma’s heart is so happy right now. If you follow me on Facebook you will know that I requested prayers for our little one. Our fetal cardiologist appointment got moved up to today and I was very anxious.

Continue reading “Our little Wonder Woman… some good news!”

Looking On The Bright Side

Well, as you know from yesterday’s post I was a little emotional waiting for this doctor’s visit and ultrasound. I had prayed that everything would look better than it did before but that wasn’t really the case.

Continue reading “Looking On The Bright Side”

An Unexpected Journey

Hey guys! I hope you’ve all been doing well this week. Our week has been a bit busy with four dentist appointments and a slew of other things happening but I wanted to check in and give you all a couple of quick updates.

So last week we found out what our unexpected blessing will be and we are so excited to meet our little one! Watch this quick video to find out:

Continue reading “An Unexpected Journey”