Stop The Itch Cream

I know we are almost to the middle of November and it seems like mosquito bites should be over with for a bit, but not here in Florida. This past weekend was the beginning of hunting season and I spent most of my time out in the woods.

I had forgotten to take along the bug spray but it was quite chilly so I didn’t buy any on the way either. That was a big mistake!

We found a game trail and decided to check it out. Not long down the trail I was attacked by mosquitoes and bitten several times near my right eye. Ughhh…. that really hurt. Not to mention it was quite ugly and itchy.

I forgot the bug spray!

Well, I should’ve remembered the bug spray the next day but again I forgot. That’s what happens when you get up before the sun… or at least that’s what happens to me. The worst part was that it got quite warm towards the afternoon. Then I was once again swarmed by mosquitoes will on a trail.

I am like a mosquito magnet. Some of the other people with me never got bit and some got one or two bites. I was covered wherever I had no clothing which was my face. As soon as I took a glove off I got bitten a couple times on the hand too.

I really wanted to cry because my face was covered in bites. Talk about sore and itchy, it was quite miserable. I didn’t have anything on me but when I got home I headed to the medicine cabinet. This is a sure-fire way to handle the itch. This combination also works well for rashes and even acne. (Be sure to test for allergies on a small area first.) I prefer the smell of Lavender oil but Tea Tree was all I currently had on hand.

Stop The Itch Cream

Stop The Itch Cream


  • 2-3 T. Coconut oil
  • 2-3 drops of Lavender oil (Use code: KIRBYSKORNERFREE at Simply Earth)
  • 2-3 drops of Tea Tree or Manuka Oil (I recently added this to our stockpile and really like the benefits we -have seen)
  • 1 T. honey (optional, you should omit this if you have an allergy to bees)


Combine all the ingredients together and apply to bites or rash.

This should begin to work in a minute or two.

The tea tree oil and/or Manuka oil have antibacterial properties that can help to heal the bites as well.

Tea Tree oil and Lavender can also help to repel mosquitos too.

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 –Thank you!


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